A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Why do we get so busy? Why do our calendars fill up and our lives become cluttered with unimportant things to do? Slowly we lose time to blog, lose reason to write, lose time to read and even faith to pray...

Little mundane things block our lives. We run here and there doing our unimportant business and we lose sight of the fact that God made us to worship Him. We are not ants just made to toil and carry the burdens all day long. We are thinking, creative beings meant to sing praises and write poems and lay prone on the earth and shout to the Lord that He is wonderful and that we love Him.

I have been far too busy. I need to cut the strings that are holding me back. I need to make the time. I need to clean the slate. I need to find the priority of Jesus... and anything in my way must be lost. Anything standing between me and my Savior must be let slip into the ether... No looking back. There are other worlds than this.

Lord... I am seeking Your Face.

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