A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why me?

King David went in, took his place before GOD, and prayed: "Who am I, my Master GOD, and what is my family, that you have brought me to this place in life? But that's nothing compared to what's coming, for you've also spoken of my family far into the future, given me a glimpse into tomorrow, my Master GOD! What can I possibly say in the face of all this? You know me, Master GOD, just as I am. You've done all this not because of who I am but because of who you are--out of your very heart!-but you've let me in on it.

"This is what makes you so great, Master GOD! There is none like you, no God but you, nothing to compare with what we've heard with our own ears. And who is like your people, like Israel, a nation unique in the earth, whom God set out to redeem for himself (and became most famous for it), performing great and fearsome acts, throwing out nations and their gods left and right as you saved your people from Egypt? You established for yourself a people--your very own Israel!-your people permanently. And you, GOD, became their God.

2 Samuel 7:18-24

Who Am I?
Casting Crowns

Who am I? That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I? That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart.

I sit here at my computer and I honestly contemplate the reason that I am here. I question why a god as big and vast as this God would ever choose to work through me. Why didn't He choose someone bigger or stronger or better? I question the validity of my heart. I question the worth of my gifts and the value of my skills.

Who am I? That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.
Who am I? That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.

Why me? I have been a terrible, terrible person. I have walked through darkness most of my days. Sin has wretched my life and made a fool of me. I have been in chains. Ego, self-centeredness and vanity all trip me and saddle me down. Why choose to pour so much effort into someone like me.

But luckily, luckily, friends, God’s mercy is far bigger than I could ever imagine. God’s grand vision, his scheme is greater than I could ever consider. His grace is far more forgiving and living changing than anything I can conceive.

Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done, But because of who you are.

I praise God because He is more patient than me. I bow down because He is more loving. He loves and follows and waits and waits and calls out and implores us to listen. He is like a tireless firefighter that never gives up. He keeps searching in the burning house until He finds you and He hauls you out to safety. He tends to your wounds and breaths life back into your broken body.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,(ocean)
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.

God didn’t look at me and see a loser, a sinner or a fool. He saw a potential, a potential that some days I still can’t see. I am so little in comparison to His greatness. I bow down at His presence and just weep. I am but a wisp of smoke on the wind. He is eternal and ever-present. But still, for some reason He loves me. Not a little love. A mountain of love. A love that never stops. A love that never quits. He loves me and waits for me and waits on me and He catches me when I am falling down. He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.

God's love is awesome. Its never ending. Its big... bigger than the sky, bigger than the biggest ocean. Its unconditional. Its never ceasing. Its unwavering. And most of all, friends, its unmerited. I didn't do anything to deserve this awesome commitment from the Lord of All Creation. He gave it to me for free.

Thank you God for your love. Amen.

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