A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Shape of Worship

I was talking last night to a dear friend about what worship looks like... and should look like.

I said that I am questioning SO MUCH. You can read this in my recent blog entries. I know what isn't working for me. Sometimes I go and I look around and I see the masquerade, the charade, the face of worship and it really makes me wonder if this is what God wanted His church to look like. But last night I was easily called out by my wiser friend, she said something to the effect of... you criticize the pulpit/preacher formula... but what alternative do you offer? What are you looking for... do more than berate the current system... tell me answers.

Over and over again in this crazy life I am humbled by my friend. Here I am supposed to be this smart, creative force (or so I promote in my mind) and all my intellection and ideation and strategic are humbled by wisdom... something which I am sorely lacking.

So I think now of what worship should be. Worship shouldn't be a show, where the man in the costume comes out and gives us entertainment for an hour on Sunday. Worship should not be from the pulpit to the crowd. Worship should be an act of sacrifice. Worship should be a group of like-minded believers gathered together to DO SOMETHING! This I believe.

I can worship the Lord-

In song... ok we all get singing. Many think worship is singing. But that is just a part.

In reading... I like to read psalms responsively. There is an ancient wisdom in reading a psalm.. for thousands of years we have done this and that is pretty cool. I have practived Lectio Divina at various stages of my life and find that sacred reading is a different kind of reading that transforms your soul. Reading is good!

We can praise Him with dance. My friends at the Harlan AoG use dance a lot and it’s REALLY cool. We have all been in a pit at a Crowder concert... Praise GOD!

Praise Him with VOICE! WORD! AMEN! PRAISE GOD! Matt at last summer's mission trip would say "I praise you wand worship you Lord" all the time. I liked that. It sounded honest and personal, like telling your lover how much you love them and enjoy their company.

Praise Him with our stories- Have I ever been prouder of any moment in my ministry than when Amanda shared her testimonial? Or when the Kings poured out their hearts about loosing their child? Or any Joel’s contributions to our group? At Camp Bethany last summer on the last night of high school camp, we went around and shared our personal stories… it was amazing. God has worked a miracle in each of our lives. We were dead and now we live. Don’t hold that in… Share it!

We can praise Him with offerings... but here we must be very careful. NEVER GIVE TO THE LORD OUT OF GUILT! He doesn't need it... he doesn't want it. He wants you to give out of the burning desire in your heart to conform to His will. So check yourself while you are reaching into your pocket to give.

We can worship Him with time... This i feel may be the most important part of worship that we neglect. GO TO BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB! Volunteer two hours of your life to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ. It isn't hard and its very rewarding... its a freggin' blast to tell you the truth... and its worship! I give this time to your mission Lord. To comfort orphans in their distress.... BOOM! Mission trips are great but until the mission becomes our world around us, one week is just a drop in the bucket. Our very lives must become a mission. Our lives should become a living sacrifice for Him.

So, more and more I want our worship to take a new shape. I want it to be mission-minded... I want it to be filled with dancing and singing. I want it to be filled with everyone sharing testimonials and leading prayer and reading the bible together. I want it to have spontaneity and life. I want it to be fulfilling and new and fresh and alive and not a show. I don't want a performer. I want a leader.

I think about this idea... fresh still and very subject to change and study and revision... but already I see times when our worship is like this. Luther League! Calla! Our little group. Discipleship camp! Thursday Mornings! SPAW in Harlan. Immersion at HOPE! David Crowder Concerts! Generation Genesis to some extent... but maybe its time I stopped talking at these services and just let the Lord lead us to a new shape of worship.

Grace and Peace,

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