A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Reality Check

I was returning from Joel's open house for the new location of his T-shirt shop. I strolled over there dressed in my finest punk attire... baggy, ragged jeans, chain wallet, The Who concert shirt, sweedish army jacket...... and oh yeah, I wore my durag. There is just something about that two dollar impulse buy. Everywhere I go in it I hear how much I look like Johnny Depp.

So on the way home, my ego pulsing with inflation from my durag and my Johnny Deppish good looks, I was brought back to reality. Turning the corn by Exira, still in town mind you and going no more than 30 mph, a deer leaped from the ditch and drilled the side on my little car. Now I have never hit a deer before, let alone have a deer smack me. But I do know one thing, every time I get too full of myself something happens to remind me the order of things. I am not near as awesome as I think I am. I don't have things near as together as I suppose I do. And I'm not near as good on my own as I am when God is leading things.

Now do I think God made that deer charge my car? No. But it sure was great timing.

Thank you, God, for full coverage and reality checks. AMEN!

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