A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Oh! Gravity

There is a myth that us Christians have it all balanced and all together. We have no problems. The outward evidence of our salvation is that fact that we have picture perfect lives. This sounds great. But somewhere behind the facade of picket fences and little pink houses the truth is that we never find perfection on this earth.

This earth presents a mirage of success. The enemy dangles it out before us like a carrot before a horse. Success equals a big time job, a fancy car, a big house and status in the community. In order to climb that success ladder we have to feed time to our occupation like a snake eating its own tail. But as our friends in Switchfoot reminds us in their new song, "OH! Gravity", this is all hype, a bag of lies spun by a snake oil salesman called the devil. And behind the smoke and mirrors of success is emptiness. The emptiness hits home when the snake finally devours itself.

Life finds real meaning when we stop chasing the illusion of worldly success and start seeking peace in bigger and brighter things.

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