A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Spaceships on the Moon

I keep thinking about the devil. I am not quite sure why. Perhaps it's Chris William's emails about the Screwtape Letters. But I keep coming back to the observation that most good intentioned people spend their time chasing a devil of their own creation and they don't even know his face.

I once had a very earnest Christian tell me that she thought that the devil had a secret base on the dark side of the moon where his demon-minions were busy constructing flying saucers for his master plan. At the opportune time, once enough TV shows about almond-eyed aliens had saturated the skies, the demon spaceships would evade and turn us into cattle...

The proof that they had of this, other than some scared little man on some obscure late night AM radio program was a line from the Bible stating something to the effect that the enemy will have dominion over the air.

Again, this would make a good X-files plot, I may even like to watch that episode, but to think that the devil works in this way is just plain ridiculous to me.

We have already turned over the airwaves to sin... turn on the television and you see what absolute disregard our society has for the weak, the hurting and the poor. Instead POP culture worships glitz, silicone skin, and monastical wealth. In a world where little kids idolize Paris Hilton over Mother Teresa, and boys strive to build WWE bodies and becoming an army of ONE over humbly becoming a member of a community it seems to me that the airwaves are already controlled by a force that wants to press us all down into servitude of greed, lust, and vice.

No, the devil doesn't build spaceships on the dark side of the moon. Instead he sits back in his easy chair and cackles as this society speeds every faster out of control chasing plastic beauty, quick highs, and piles of little green paper napkins painted with kings of ages past.

I think Honest Abe might want his visage back if he saw what we were doing with our all mighty dollars. That is where real sin is... We have and we hold our money while people hurt and we are blind to anything but our own itching eyes.

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