A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Get Up and Stand Down

Where do you go to find God? Do you go to church in your best clothing to a big brick building? Do you go on Sunday like clockwork, when all your friends and neighbors are also filing into the same brick building in their own best clothing? It’s like a dance, a thing we do, like parallel parking. It isn't always enjoyable but it’s a part of our routine.

Somewhere outside the nice white shirts, the ties, the sport jackets, beyond the nice pantsuits and the dresses, there is another kind of Christian. They don’t exist in the same nice shining, clean world. They live in the dark, color-saturated world of real life beyond the picket fences, the smiling faces and the stained-glass windows on Sunday. These Christians aren’t interested in the comfort and the rhyme and meter of the Christina ghetto. They want to reach the poor, feed the hungry and comfort the orphaned.

Often times this brings these wandering missionaries in close contact with the very type of unsavory folks that the white-shirt crowd shuns. They would never be around drunks, druggies, whores, criminals, street people, homeless, smelly, and the crude. Christian equals white and clean. These types aren’t Christian enough for their circle.

But where is Jesus? Where did he go? And where are we likely to find him now? Is he trapped in the temple? Or is he found in the sea of humanity, the weak, the lame and the sorrowful people that once flocked to him on his travels?

It was the very flowing tide where Jesus had commanded His disciples to live. Out there where the city gambles. Where no one believes. Out there among the thieves. In the face of abuse and mockery. Where love violently dies. Out there at their daily Calvary, to take up their crosses and follow. Not to holler but to follow. If only Jesus had said to Peter, “Pray this prayer and withdraw from the world and make sure you preach in every song.” He didn’t. He said, “Follow me into a daily dynamic of dilemma where they will misunderstand you and castigate you and call you all kinds of things. It’ll be messy, and every decision will not always be on the white or black side of gray, but follow me. Get involved. Where I walked.”

Walk On
Steve Stockman
p. 153

I love church. For three years I never missed a Sunday service. I love the feeling of being surrounded by God-lovers and prasing together. I love to see what progressive chruches are doing in their communities. I love to see kids growing in the faith through years of mentering in the ways of Jesus. But is that it? Is that where our faith begins and ends? I go to church to worship the Lord God. But if I want to find Jesus, I put on my working clothes and head the other direction.

Jesus calls us to get up off the pew, to walk out the door and help people. He said that when we help the weakest we are helping him. He said when we feed the hungry we are nourishing him, when we give clothes and shelter to the downtrodden we are sheltering him. He doesn’t want an armchair faith. He doesn’t want followers doing nothing but mailing in praise and tribute from afar. He wants active, engaged people, carrying the cross into that color-saturated reality, reaching out to others. This is your chance. Start this week. Get up and stand down!

I Will Follow

I was on the inside
When they pulled the four walls down
I was looking through the window
I was lost, I am found

Walkaway, walkaway
I walkaway, walkaway...I will follow
If you walkaway, walkaway,
I walkaway, walkaway...I will follow

VA Stand Down

Omaha VA Stand Down- 12/03/06

Stand Downs are one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ efforts to provide services to homeless veterans. Stand Downs are typically one to three day events providing services to homeless veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment. Stand Downs are collaborative events, coordinated between local VAs, other government agencies, and community agencies who serve the homeless.
Come help a homeless veteran. Make a difference. Touch a life. Be the change you want to see in this world. Be the light.

Jesus, help us have the courage to reach out and touch. AMEN!

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