A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Monday, October 16, 2006

Jake the Drake is coming back

Hey friends,

Thrown's good friend Jake the Drake is coming back through our parts of western Iowa. Jake (our west virginia mission friend) has been traveling the world knocking on doors and sharing the Good News that a rescuer is coming. He wants to meet with his supports and share his experiences.

We are meeting Friday night at 9:00 (after the EH-K v. Ar-We-Va game at Calla Johnson's house. We will play some guitar, sing a few songs of worship and then listen to our brother's stories.

If you are around friday, please take an hour or two of your time to see our old friend. He is an inspiration to us all, a supporter in our mission and a good guy. Bring some friends too.

Remember... he is CRAZY FUN!!!


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