A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Friday, August 04, 2006

Over Come Fear and Insecurity

What are you afraid of? Insecurity and fear keep more people from acheiving greatness than anything else, and in most cases, it has very little basis in fact. You are a child of God, created in His image. What could possibly keep you from reaching your potential? Every day, take a first step into an area that you've been afraid of; and every day, you'll be placing a new brick in the foundation of a better life. The old southern preacher was right: "God didn't make no junk!" You are special, you are chosen by God, and there's nothing that you and God can't accomplish together.
It's Time to Change Your Life by Phil Cooke

God didn't make no junk! Now there is a rallying cry. Often times I get so low and so down on myself and I wonder how God could have ever chosen to work through me. But now, after reading the above thought given to me by a good friend, it dawns on me that I am questioning God's perfectness when I doubt my place in His Kingdom. My God is awesome and right! My God has the answers to all the questions, even the ones to big to consider. So why question Him when it comes to my worth?

I am a chosen child of God. I have Christ in my heart and He's got my back. He walks with me. I will not fear the shadow of evil as I walk this dark valley. I will not fear thirst or broken bones as I traverse this desert. I will walk with my head held high and my Lord and Savior at my side. Everyone can do as they wish. I will chose the Lord.

Don't you underestimate my Jesus!
-Relient K

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