A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Thank you to Thrown and the Thrown-ups

Keep me safe, O God, I've run for dear life to you.
I say to GOD, " "You are my Lord; without you I have nothing good.
You have placed strong Christians in my life- what marvelous friends they make!
My choice is you, GOD, first and only. And now I find I'm your choice!
Psalm 16:1-3,5
Thank God for good friends. Friends are the glue that hold our fragmented lives together. So often in these past months, when things have gotten rough, this band of believers, this small clutch of friends has reached to each other.

When Cody had problems with his living arrangements and the stress of life was weighing him down, where did he turn? We hugged him up and lifted him up and moved him to a place where he could start over again. We became more than a band. We are a family.

As my family has gone through changes, where do I look for support? Not to my real life brother and sisters. I turn to my band family. They love me and support me. They are my rock and my shield in times of troubles.

During the forth of July I was down. I was really down. I truly needed something, a miracle drug to get me out of the pit that I had found myself in. I remember praying to God for a pick-me-up. And oh boy did he deliver. After our gig in Audubon, the band took an epic journey in the Arch, the band van, to watch the Exira fireworks display. Rarely have I laughed harder or smiled wider as we watched the rockets explode across the black sky, strummed our guitars, played with T-bone, burned each other, jumped up and down like fools and belched Dr. Pepper belches in the dark of night. Many people don’t get what Thrown is all about. They see our hair, or the way we dress, or our tattoos or see us goofing around and they question what we are up to. But these people need to smile and know that life is a gift from God. We can live and laugh as a celebration of God and his wonderful world. Life can be praise.

Last night one of our own was having troubles and she called upon her band brother and sister for advise. And no matter what Toodles decides, we will love her and support her. We are more than a group of musicians. We are more than a group of Christians. We are brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ and we will do anything for each other.
Thank you God for my good Christian friends. May others find ones as good as mine.

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