A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Monday, January 30, 2006

I hate RAGBRAI!!!!

Just for the record....

I hate RAGBRAI!! For those of you who don't know, RAGBRAI is this yearly, week-long bike ride across Iowa. This year it stops in Audubon, a town just 20 or so miles away. At first I was pumped, thinking that our youth group could raise a lot of money with a food stand. But now I learn that my dear friend... my rock, Todd can't come on our mission trip because he will have to stay in town for that stupid bike ride! I can't express how the level of suck-a-tude that has!

Prayerfully, I face my fears and my disappointment. God will make this trip awesome. He makes them all that way. But I will loose a certain measure of safty and comfort by not having him there... covering my back!

But we will find a way to make lemondaid (Romans 8:28)!!!

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