A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jesus Painting

Oh the Jesus Painter. Now here is a man after my own post-modern, emergent heart. God made us in His image and His image is that of a creator. I have stated over and over again about the inborn desire in the human being to create things. Here is a man who has turned his creativity into praise.

It is my experience that when we turn our joys and our talents into praise (lifted up to glorify the Lord) we find true pleasure and we live life richly.


The other amazing part of this video are the comments. I am touched by the comments that go something like, "WOW! I am truly touched by this video. PRAISE THE LORD!" I am saddened by the responses that are very negative, "God is dead! Religion is a crutch for fool!" but most of all I am really frightened by the anger of those Christians who answer back with judgement. "YOU WON'T BE SAYING THAT STUFF BURNING IN HELL!!!"

Jesus loves those lost sheep. He wants us to love them and reach out to them with a gentle touch with a message of understanding. If we should at them with a bullhorn that they are going to hell we might find that on judgement day God is a bit upset that we let them slip through our fingers with our angry faces and our damning them to hell.

Go paint big Jesus pictures. Reach out. Save the stone throwing for someone else.

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