A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wow! What a Service

So church this morning was amazing. I mean... AMAZING! I really felt His presence from the first chord. When the band played 'Inside Out' it really brought me to His feet. Tears flowed freely.

Then, during the message, Marty challenged us to DO many things. Open a free clinic... Host an Easter Egg Extravaganza for the city... and other acts of service to LOVE the city of Ottumwa. I have a real feeling that Jesus is being revealed through this group. That HIS Kingdom is coming. This just isn't people PLAYING church. This just isn't a group of people forming a club to feel important. But its a church the way Paul and Silas made church in the 1st Century.

For so long I read and searched out what was the first century church. Then, through the bitter taste in my mouth from the bad experiences, I sorta put those pursuits on hold. Then, out of the blue, I stumble into a group of ardent worshipers who are loving the poor, the alien, the widow.

At the end of the service, a group of ladies appeared that had been given two hundred dollars and were sent to Aldy's to buy groceries for a stranger. What an act of WORSHIP, to bless others... to show God's glory. To proclaim the wonders of the Lord.

YES, Jesus is BEAUTIFUL this day. Yes, we are rippling out the GOOD NEWS.

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