A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We buildt ourselves a pillar but we used it as a crutch

I have been traveling through a dry time spiritually for almost a year now. I have been inside myself... mulling over things like a wine taster savors a bit of wine in his or her acute mouth. For a long time I had no voice like a sick person has laryngitis. But slowly that internal itch has started to revive in my mind. The voice is starting to come back. I am wanting to write again, sing again, speak of Jesus again. One thing comes to mind... One obstacle that I have seen in others and my own walk (my own stumbles and my own falls as well).

I believe that we often find things in life that we think are pillars, strong stone things that we choose to build with. We set out to support our lives, our mission, our ministry upon these pillars. But we are weak men. Too often we take a pillar and turn it into a crutch... we become so dependent on them that our mission and our ministry becomes feeding that act, or being important enough, right enough, or righteous enough... we lose sight of what was important in the first place.

It's like the foolish scribes that memorize the Bible but never take a moment to understand, never let the Spirit reveal the deep Truth that is the WORD of God. They go to build a temple based on the Word but in the end only worship the words. Or people that spend so much time focused on shepherding their flocks that they become councilors and not holy men.

What can I say about this? I have been guilty of the trappings of the crutch syndrome. I believed myself to be the savior of a group of kids... and really I was just a vessel. My intentions were noble in the beginning but I let my ego get so out of hand that I lost touch with what matters in the big picture. In the end I guess we just have to strip down everything, wander into those dry times, and come back to the root of what matters...


At His feet I regain my right perspective- focused on HIM... at HIS CROSS I am face down and asking forgiveness. Let everything else melt away. In the end there is only Jesus. HE is all we need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Comment posting? Wow. How awesome am I? Answer: Very.

But seriously, these blogs are amazing. They get so deep into the true meaning of being a christian. Instead of covering it up and making it look fluffy and soft on the outside, the blogs you write are made of the thing that sets us apart as christians: the truth. It shares struggle and hardship instead of only showing the "stereotype" of christianity. Christians are not always these positive, unaffected people. We most certainly live a life full of decisions and disappointment. The thing that makes us prosper though, is the fact that God always restores us when we bow down at his cross and ask forgiveness. I love that it always comes back to that in these writings. You definitely have a gift for writing this way. It's inspiring to read. It trips something in my mind that gets me to think deeper into each subject. Once you find that refuge place in your mind and are finally right with God again, you need to turn yourself back on for him. Write a book, write blogs. Something. You can inspire so many other people once you've been inspired by God. I'm looking forward to that day.

This comment is starting to be more of a short novel than a comment. So this is where I'm stopping. God bless you in the days to come.

1 Peter 5:10
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for awhile will renew you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast"