A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thank God

I thank God that we are...

Just the fact that humanity exists is at all is quite something. The earth exists at the perfect distance from the sun, has the perfect climate and meets our needs. It is a wonder that everything lined up perfectly that our world is hospitalable to us. It is an amazing thing to ponder.

I thank God that we are made...

Perhaps the greatest gift of life is breath, getting a chance to live. We have one life here on this earth and it is such a wonder, so rich with ups and downs, highs and lows, the very daily struggles that make life a miracle.

I thank God that we are made to serve...

We are placed here for a purpose. We aren't just mindless robots. We aren't just animals that go about meeting basic survival needs. We think, we reason, we dream. This great gift drives us towards goals. Make no mistake, we all serve something. OUr endevours work to build something. What a gift it is to work towards a purpose.

I thank God that we are made to serve HIM.

Even though God is big, bigger than the moon, bigger than the sky, bigger than anything we can grasp, He created us and called us to come back to Him and serve Him. He loves us and cares for us, even when we cannot see His hand at work in our lives. We aren't complete until we sacrifice our own lives and give them to his purpose. That is when we truly become alive.

Yes it is a miracle this gift of life. The fact that humanity exists at all is a wonder. But without a purpose, without God's perfect plan, we are just chance, a lucky run of random hapenstance. But with a wonderful creator of everything laying out a map of marvously miracles to place us here, called to the destiny of becoming His children, with a goal and a challenghe to live for, now that is an awesome thing to contemplate.

Thank GOD!

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