A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Lamp in the Night

As I have stated, I am heading out into the big world. I think of myself as an adventurer boarding a ship for a strange new world. Where I go only the Lord knows. But I will carry this lamp as my guide.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105

Your Words

Darkness falls, safe harbor disappears behind me,
Bitter cold envelops me, I pull my cloak tight
Deep purple fills the world and pulls my heart down
my fears become ghosts and whisper that I am lost and dying

The sounds of night haunt me
The cry of invisible beasts bring my feet to a gallop
I lose my footing, I stumble
Darkness buries me, I am lost and dying

But then the light, the light that pierces the dark
The warm yellow shaft, like a sword
Sweeps through the murk and gives sight to my blind eyes,
My feet find the ground, my heart swells

Lord you are my light
When I am trapped in the dark I look for you
Lord, your Words sooth me, they rescue me
They pick me up, they comfort me in this dark wilderness.

Lord, Your words are like a torch in the darkness
They light my way
I will not fail with you warming my world
I will carrying that light always

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