A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Friday, December 15, 2006


For years I was a regular at one church. I went years never missing a Sunday. I was a member, my kids were baptized there and I was an active volunteer. I held positions on a committee or two. I helped haul fabric down flights of stairs for the lady's quilting ministry. I shared space with the same group and always tried my best to cooperate and return the space to its original condition. Once a year my group of wily teens would help carry dozens and dozens of those quilts up the stairs and loaded them up into vehicles so that they could go to needy people who had no blanket. Once I was even on a Call Committee that selected a new pastor. I co-wrote a description of that church that stated all the many parts that contributed to the whole and made it an extraordinary place to worship. I was a proud member of that church. I volunteered and helped the other branches of ministry as much as I could.

I have heard a call to duty that has given my life new meaning and purpose. The Lord God has laid it on my heart to work with youth. I have poured my entire being into the cause. I read Paul’s words and know what its like to be poured out like on the ground like an offering, a sacrifice. This isn’t a job or a hobby. It’s my passion. I see other people whose hearts pound for the arts, or competitive athletics or success at other endeavors. The very passion they feel for that activity is the way I feel about reaching youth. This attitude has made kids open up to me. They come to me with problems, real life problems. We talk them out, we cry, we sometimes shout. We are always real to each other and always look to Jesus for the answers. When kids are upset they seek me out.

I have a bag in my closet of little scrap pieces of paper from my years in youth ministry. They contain little comments from the kids I have ministered to through the years. When I am down, when I am really, really down, I get them out and start reading them. That is when I remember truly why I walk this road. This is all about them… and giving them what they need.

But despite all the hard work and the blessings the Lord poured out upon our little youth movement, a time came when we weren’t needed anymore. Oh, we felt the winds of change for a while, but then the conflict came and the warm nest where our ministry was firmly planted was overturned and it was no longer a place where we could work.

When that church and I finally had a parting of the ways, my loyalties were never in doubt. I have pledged my heart and my soul to Jesus Christ. He is not the property of a single church. I have promised my life to the service of the cause of reaching youth for the glory of His precious and holy name. That can happen in many places under many different appearances. I just had to move to more fertile ground and start throwing seeds again.

A few days ago I looked at the differences between my bible and the Bible. Just as my bible can be replaced… so can my church. If my bible is damaged and no longer serves me well, I will seek out a new one. If the opportunity arises to purchase a better bible, then without tear or sweat on my brow I will do so. It is the same with my choice of churches. I can live without that church but I cannot live without fellowship and communion with believers.

Luckily I surround myself with passionate believers, most far wiser and stronger in faith then myself. They keep me focused on the Lord. Many times Joel has to shake me and say, “Don’t get wrapped up in these earthly games, brother. Our work is for the Kingdom!” Chris, the quiet monk of the group, he always shows me the way with his constant study, daily prayer, consistent conversation with the Living Lord. Cody shows me God’s sense of humor and reminds me that the Christian life is about living life to the fullest. He keeps me focused on the Gospel, that Jesus died to set us free from the chains of the old ways. Just eating pizza and throwing the Frisbee with Haner is a holy experience. The ladies in my life keep me honest, Amanda keeps me organized and in check, the guys keep me doing powerhops. Calla keeps me searching for forgiveness. And always, always there is the Holy Spirit that keeps me learning and breathing. At the moment these folks are my church. We love each other and prop each other up and in time we will unite back in a big stone building on a hill. But for now we are just a band of believers focused on Jesus and the work of His Church.

His Church IS as mighty as an army with all its banners. She marches through time feeding the poor, reaching the lost and caring for the down-and-out. I will be focused on that task. I will look for every way I can to be the Light in this world. There is a lot of work to do… it’s time to go to Church.

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