A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Meant to live

I have a friend that is searching. I don't know how exactly I knew it, but the other day I just had a sinking feeling that she needed a spiritual hug. So I sent her a text asking if she was searching for answers. And she was. The funny thing is I really don't have the answers. What I know is that searching for answers, seeking the truth is what its all about.

Check this out from Rob Bell's book Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith.

Over time when you purposely try to live the way of Jesus, you start noticing
something deeper going on. You begin realizing the reason this is the best way
to live is that its rooted in profound
truths about how the world is. You
find youself living more and more in tune with ultimate reality. You are more
and more in sync with how the universe is at its deepest levels.

intention was, and is, to call people to live in tune with reality. He said at
one point that if you had seen him, you had "seen the Father". He claimed to be
showing us what God is like.

In his compassion, peace, truth telling,
and generosity, he was showing us God.

And God is the ultimate reality.
There is nothing more beyound God.


I have been searching all of my life. I am still searching now. I know some truths to be real... but the more I seek the more I find questions that lead to new questions. Reality is that God is vast... bigger than we humans can explain. So we make our little boxes to squeeze Him into so we can make sense out of Him. GOD is not in a box. What we place in the box is what we want God to be... its our own creation. And its a farse.

I do know somethings. I know that their is more than this simple life. There is a much richer, much greater way to live. There is much more than these simple relationships that we live. There is a deeper way to live. There is something richer than the ritual and rhym and meter of our God-boxes that we build on the high hills of our towns. There is a deeper life, a richer life. We aren't meant to simply live cookie cutter lives. We were meant to live for so much more. We live in the shadow of a Mighty God! A Powerful and Mighty God!

Meant To Live

We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life, yeah

We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves? We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves? We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves? We were meant to live

As we move in line with Him... our lives become extraordinary!

Jesus exposes us to reality at its rawest.

So the way of Jesus is not
about religion; it's about reality.
Its about lining yourself up with how
things are.

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