A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


What is the first thing we know about God? What is the first thing we learn of him in Scriptures? Flip open the Bible and look for yourself. In the Beginning, God CREATED....

God by His very awesome nature creates and cares for. God, creator of marvelous creation.

I like watching those shows on the discovery channel with anthropologists explaining the origins of man. They love to explain a key difference between human beings and the rest of the animal world. It is their inextinguishable expressive nature that sets Cro-Magnon man apart from everything else. Man makes art. Man adorns his body. Man makes beautiful things.

So, let us look at Genesis 1:27.

God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

If we are made in the image of God, who by His very nature is the creator, then what else would separate us from the rest of creation than an innate artistic nature? It is who we are. We have coded into our bodies the desire, the inescapable urge to rise up in expressive worship and offer praise to our God. There will come the day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. Why wait?

Use your expressive nature today to create an offering to God!

We will be sharing some artwork by my bible study youth in the comments area.

Jesus Rising
by Steven Howard


amandar said...

Is it possible that a single tear can warm your heart? The touch of a hand on your head make you melt? A song change your life? Or even the three words are you ok from a little boy give you strength?
Through Christ anything is possible.
So then why do people keep their eyes covered? Are they afraid to see what may happen or do they just not want to surrender?
Surrendering is the hardest but most rewarding thing I have done. When you surrender, you have to stop pretending.
I am never certain about what He is going to have me do but I trust Him and always remember, "He knows more than I do!"

amandar said...

One morning for Bible Study Bollman assigned us to do something to show how God makes us creative. I had no idea what I was going to do but somehow I found the above poem in my journal. It was amazing to see how He worked through me to produce that poem. You are able to do anything if you are willing to let Him help...
So like Bollman said, God makes everybody creative in their own way you just have to find it...