A community of creative, emergent Christ-followers

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Remember This!

I walked into the sanctuary and they were just finishing up the earlier service. Ordinary people in nice church clothing were just preparing for communion while the alternative folks like myself milled around in a foyer waiting for the Emergent late night service to begin. As communion started and I hung in the back and watched in anticipation. Through the glass I saw the people filing forward and in my chest and on my skin I felt the Spirit moving in the place. I said with glee... "Oh, yes! The Spirit is in this place!"

Then worship... sweet worship. My kind of worship. Rock and roll and tears and hands and praise and adoration to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The pastor gave a message... a good message about Grace and forgiveness and a personal relationship with the Lord. It was Spirit filled and Gospel centered and everything that is right and wonderful. I felt so fed by his words. I was hungry for the TRUTH. I needed to hear what he said... like he spoke just to me.

And then communion. It was my turn to experience what I had witnessed through the glass. My heart pounded and I couldn't wait to go.

For me communion isn't a ritual. Its not a memorial or a remembrance. Its powerful. Its spiritual... it's the real deal.

As a child I played a lot of Super Mario Brothers. In fact, I am wearing a Mario Bros T-shirt as I sit here and blog.

My favorite moment of the game is when Mario is empowered. He starts the game small but he isn't entirely helpless. He can run and jump onto foes but the slightest touch and he is knocked out. But when Mario gets a mushroom he is magically transformed. He is built up into a bigger, badder version of himself. He can now face the enemy with greater power.

Communion is my Mario Mushroom.

A lady pastor started a fairly standard communion introduction and invited all that wanted to come forward. Then she grabbed the bread, a big hearty loaf from a real bakery, and held it up, dug her fingers into it and broke it. I felt such a power in the room I almost collapsed. OH YES, the Spirit was in the House! I wanted to lay on the floor and moan. The band started playing You Alone, the David Crowder song, one that we also do. I waited for my turn. Then got into line.

As I approached the bread and wine I prayed my personal prayer, "Jesus you are my best friend. Thank you for giving yourself for me! Work in me and change me to become more like you!" Then I took the bread and dipped it into the wine. As I meditated over the gift I wept.
I returned to my seat and contemplated a God so powerful that would die for someone little like me... and I thanked Him. Then the band played the bridge and it was so true..


Thank you Jesus for making me alive.

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