Today blog entry is a faith statement by a friend of mine named Brenda Hamilton. Brenda passed away a few months ago. She was an inspiration to us all.
Faith 101
Brenda Hamilton
Once again, it's early morning/late night, and I can't sleep. This time there was no doubt that I had to get up and write this message to you. I can't count the number of times in the past months that someone has looked at me in awe and said, "I can't believe the faith you have! I could never have that kind of faith." And then I am always seemingly at a loss for words, except to say, "Well, if you were in my situation, I'll bet your faith would be pretty strong too." That's a terrible answer, and the Bible says I'm supposed to be able to give an answer to everyone who asks about the hope I have. I woke up at 4:00a.m. and knew that it was time to give that answer. So here goes...."Brenda's Sermon on How to Have the Kind of Faith She Has -- 101". :o)
My mom always told me that I had to be "saved" to go to Heaven. We went to Sunday School and church every Sunday (sat on the left side, middle row -- Mom and Dad still sit there). Of course, I was a typical (or maybe not) teenager...doing some pretty bad stuff...and didn't want to be weird and have to give up my friends, fun, and partying ways to be a "Christian." Finally, though, when I was a junior in college, I decided I had better get my life (and especially my eternal life) figured out, and I made a decision to trust Christ as my Savior.
Here's what that means:
1) I knew I was a sinner (no question about that!). But the reality is that we all sin, even Mother Teresa, our pastors, and the most moral people we know. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." You see, God is perfect, and anything less than perfection isn't good enough in comparison to His glory.
2) I knew that my sin (even one) would keep me from getting to Heaven. Romans 6:23a says "For the wages of sin is death..." Because God is Holy, He can't allow sin into Heaven. So basically, we're all doomed to hell because of our sin. Not good!
3) I knew that God loved me because He provided a solution. Back in Old Testament times, people had to make sacrifices (lots of dead animals and other gross things) for every little sin in order to have forgiveness. Well, God provided the final sacrifice for all of our sins when He"...gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish [go to hell] but have eternal life [in Heaven!]." John 3:16b. Jesus died a cruel death just so that I could be with Him in that's love.
4) I knew that Jesus Christ was the only solution. John 14: 6 says "I [Jesus] am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father [God] except through me." And He offers this as a know, like one you give to someone you love. "...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23b.
5) I knew that the only thing I could/had to do was accept (through FAITH) this gift of salvation. God's grace...His undeserved love...provided the complete, final solution. All I had to do was trust in Him. In fact, there was nothing I could do to earn His love and grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast." Baptism, church attendance, loving my neighbor, and all that other good stuff didn't amount to anything as far as getting to Heaven. We can't EARN our way there. It's all about God's grace... and our faith.
6) I knew that once I accepted God's gift, I was His child...a new creation...with a home in Heaven. Somewhere in the Bible...sorry, can't remember says that we are "joint heirs with Jesus." That means once we become Christians, we are God's children, with all the rights and privileges of the family...pretty cool, huh?
Now, I'm not saying I instantly became a "saint", but a change had been made in my heart, and I knew I was a child of God. The change was very gradual over the next 17 years...a few steps toward God (see...He never moves...we do), then a few more steps backwards. Maybe you can relate. But on Nov. 20, 2003, when I was diagnosed with Stage 4b cancer (which means it can't get any worse), boy...did my faith kick into gear in a big way.
One of my most vivid memories of this whole cancer experience was driving home from the hospital that November day. I had basically just been told that I would die from this cancer. I can't imagine a much heavier load (except if it had been one of my children in my place). While poor Ron drove us home on Interstate 680, I literally wailed and sobbed from the very bottom of my soul. I cried out loud to God. "Please, God, if you're there...carry this load for me. I can't do it. It's impossible to's way too heavy. Please, God...carry this load...carry this load." The crying/praying continued for about 30 minutes. Then as we continued to drive, His gentle, loving way...said to me (He really said it!), "Brenda, I've been where you are. I know how you feel. I know it's scary. It's o.k. I've suffered too. But you don't have to be afraid... because I died so that you don't have to be scared. I have a home in Heaven for you when it's time. I love you." And instantly I felt His peace as He lifted me up and began to carry my load...and me. He's continued to carry me and my family ever since, and He'll do the same for you.
I hear lots of cancer stories these days. It's an "occupational hazard." One time a lady was telling me about a friend of hers who had cancer, and I think she was trying to make me feel better when she blurted out "But he's terminal." Terminal. Hmmm. Terminal. We all are, aren't we? I mean, really, we're all going to die someday. If nothing else, I hope that my "story" reminds us all of that. And I pray that the faith you see in me tells you that there is hope for the dying ...and joy in the living. Because, you see...only my body is soul already belongs to Jesus, and I'm joyful in the fact that He's holding me up, giving me peace, and preparing me to meet Him someday.
If you haven't ever placed your trust in the free gift of God for your eternal salvation, please do. You need to. All you have to do is pray and tell God that you know you're a sinner and you need His grace to save you. Then take Him at His word and accept His free gift. Please tell me if you make that decision, and let me know if I can do anything to help you, answer questions, pray with/for you. You are all so special to me, and I love you.
Brenda :o)